miércoles, 5 de diciembre de 2007
Una historia...
In a country far away lived a farmer whose greatest love was her garden. Cultivating beautiful flowers then sold on the market. He was a normal man. Not much ugly and not much handsome.He liked to sing and from the road passing in front of her house, people could hear his voice when he was in his beloved garden. Hed had not an extraordinary voice, but everyone stopped to listen to songs dedicated to her beautiful garden. These were songs that came to the heart because he sang too from his heart.All people want this man because he are transparent, good person.His live are simple and humble. He hasn't richment and he don't needed. He would prefer a only flower of his garden to the most beutiful golden palace of the world. This is the unique thing that his neighbors reproached to him.But this doesn't matter to him. He was happy in his little world.
Since child he always had the same dream.A girl appear in his dream. She had not face. She spoke to him, he could to listen to her, but he never knew her face. They can to speak from hours. He fallen in love with the girl of his dreams. She had his companion during all his life. One night he woke up suddenly with his heart near to explode and the eyes full of tears. For the first time a face appeared in his girl. It was a face of a very beautiful woman. His eyes were green as a tropical sea, and his smile lit up her heart as a beacon in the dark. But now she spoke and he could not hear to her. Her smile was going to disappear and in her face appeared a sadness increasingly little by little. At the end she cried and he felt his heart was slowly destroying. As she seemed distraught over his image was blurring.
For much time he had this dream. Always equal. He was very sad for this. This sadness began noticing himself. He had no desire to eat, no longer singing from the way there was only cold silence. He began to leave his beloved garden. He only thought in this face. He would must search this woman. I knew that this woman existed and it was an obsession. After many months, and his garden completely abandoned, decided to embark on a long journey to find that woman. He gathered only the essential, and with a little baggage and all illusion about his love, he closed the gate of his house and gave a sigh began to walk without looking back. For a long time the tour his country. People unknown to the woman, and when talking about his dream all people laughed, but did not pay attention, nothing could darken the light of love that feeling. After not finding this woman in his country, he decided to visit the neighboring country.Asking to all people, he knew thanks to a old man, that there a old wise that might help to him, but it was very expensive. He did not have much money, but did not lose his courage and went to visit him. Told his dream to the wise and listened attentively.
- I do not have much money to pay you, but I need to know the whereabouts of this woman.
- Why you want to know?. Your story can end so very tragic.
- It doesn't matter to me. If i don't try to find to this woman, i will always have the doubt if they really exist and if this woman is for me.
The wise told him after meditate - go out, I can not help you!!.
The gardener prostrated himself before the wise - please!, i implore you, help me!!. I will do what you want because I can not pay you.
- I ask you again. Why have you this need?
- Because through all the years I have searching this woman and now I know that I love to her above all things.
- The Wise felt compassion of the gardener.
- Ok.i will help you!!. But I need time to think about this and discover the meaning of this dream. You will have to tell me every day that dream for six months. Besides my legs are very weak and I need to bring every day to the top of this great mountain. Six months!!!. This was very much time!. But from years he was waiting. Six months more are not to much!!.Every day he told to the wise his dream. Every day he loaded over his back the old wise.
It was hard waiting, the wise not told anything. His suffering by waiting a answer did that their temples are filled silver.The last day the wise spoke to the gardener.This woman is not from this country. She live in a far country, where the snow cover the landscape, and the wind is very cold. This country have a very sad music, and the people have much desire to live. You will must to go to the east.The gardener with new force in his heart launched again in the way.After two years arrived to a great country. Asking, and after enduring many jokes, he heard that there was a man in that country who worked for the king and his knowledge of all the people who lived there, because everybody was going through his office in the palace.He quickly went to see him. - I need to help me find this woman-and told him how she was.
The man refused to head - I can not help you. I have a lot of work and did not have time to remember and researching about this woman.
- I will do what you want if you can help me. I have not money, but will help you in whatever you need for you to have that time.
The man, after thinking for a while told to the gardener - i suffer a strange illness and every day I must go to receive blood because they need new blood. If you can give blood every day that I take my time to help you to find it.The gardener agreed, and so for 20 days gave blood to the assistant to the king. After investigating for 20 days, the man knew where he was this woman. This woman living in the capital of the country. You will should look there.The gardener said goodbye with joy. At the end knew where was the companion of the dreams he had since his childhood.
But when he tried to get under way discovered that he had no strength to walk. The man who helped him feel sadness for the gardener and called the best doctor in the kingdom. - He can not have force anymore. He lost a too much of blood. It should rest for the rest of his life.The gardener, fill of ire and of pain, with the tears in his eyes, asked for a cane. Then he got up and with a terrible pain it was started again his travel saying goodbye.For a long time he walked with great suffering in his body, but with a love that was giving him an energy that he was not knowing to have, he continued his trip. The cold was extreme, his lungs were panting and he was feeling fire in his chest and breath, he saw himself alone and ill during the trip.In the night he was resting sheltered by a rock, and was looking with sadness at the moon. His eyes were filling with tears thinking that he could not continue, but later he was falling asleep and returned to seeing this woman. Again the love was stimulating him to continue.
At the end, he arrived to the capital, after several days he knew the adress of this woman. With his heart full of joy began to walk towards the house of his loved with the force that only gives the love.When he came, he called to the door. She opened the door and he remained of foot in front of her with tears of happiness in the eyes.
- Hello!. I had searching you for years!. I have dreamed with you every day, since i was a child and now I have come to search you to love you during the rest of my life.
- She looked at the gardener with sadness.
- I am sorry, you are not who I wait. I also have dreamed of a man since I was a girl, but this man was young and strong. I can feel your love, but I cannot correspond to you because I do not recognize you. The man felt his heart to break as the crystal. And I fill of sadness and bitterness left his beloved woman. Already he did not have where to go, already he did not want to live. He sat down in a corner and remained slept waiting for the death. A man discovered and warned a doctor. Like nobody knew this man they put to investigate the one who was until knew about it the servant of the king. The man who found, knew the story of the gardener and harmonized of for this. He promised to the servant of the king to return it to his country, to his town, to his home. After two weeks in his own bed the gardener woke up. The man who found it said to him that he was in his house, that he had brought to him but that i would must to return to his country. The gardener thanked for his gesture to him from deepest of his heart and he wished as much luck him as kindness had in its heart.
Much more later the news of a great garden extended by the world, with the most beautiful flowers of the world. Of all the corners of the world people were going to see that garden. Nobody knew the owner, because they never saw it. The man only worked at night and by the day he was hidden in his house with the closed windows.The woman was of trip in a country very far from his own country and listened to speak of the garden. She was go to visit it and she was so moved, so impressioned that she wanted to know who had created something so beautiful that it caused that the eyes filled of passion before as much beauty. But nobody in the town wanted to count nothing, because they did not want that nobody bothered the gardener. Only a old woman observed the young person and saw something that nobody could see. The old woman spoke with the young
- You like that garden, truth?. It is a very special garden that all we loved. it has a very special secret. The gardener waters every night to it with his own tears every full moon-lit night.I see something in you. You must to know this man. He was this night in his garden.
The young woman waited for hides after tree until the gardener left. He was a bent man. It seemed that the Earth called to him and it cost to him to walk. It whispered words that the young woman could not listen. Whatever approached could until it could oir those words - I always will love you, although you are not with me - and watching stars it sighed saying - sweet dreams my love. I hope that a day you know the man about whom you dreamed.
The woman felt to freeze her blood. He was the man of his dreams. She recognized those words, that were repeated in their dreams from girl. And leaving his hiding place one approached the man. It recognized it and it remained contemplating it. He could not speak a pain face appeared in its face, and she, with tears in the eyes knelt down to her side - please, forgive me, I did not know to recognize you when you went to look for to me!. He knelt down next to her with tears in the eyes, and with a new energy it took her in arms and it took it house to its. They were all the night speaking, watching themselves, smiling, crossing its fingers, caressing themselves, crying, laughing, dreaming...In the morning with the first ray of light, she it was slept. he stayed all day remained watching her, caressing her hair throughout, singing his beautiful songs in low voice. When the dusk arrived she woke up again.They loved themselves during all the night, bathed their bodies in the light of the moon. And arrived the dawn they fell asleep again. She woke up scared by a terrible nightmare. And she understood right away that she happened. Her love, the man who had given his health by her,lay dead to its side, with a smile in the face.
She moaned of suffering. Two days later died of pain. In the town everybody felt very much this loss, and since then all the people of the town took care of the garden. Except of a strange flower, that nobody dared to touch, most beautiful of all flowers of this garden, with the center of honey color and green petals like the tropical sea.
martes, 19 de junio de 2007
Más datos acerca de Rusia.
Entre mis investigaciones navegando por internet y los enlaces que me mandan mis amigas rusas, he encontrado algunas páginas interesantes. Aqui os las pongo por si os interesa...
Interesante lugar donde ver fotos, serias y divertidas, y comentarios de todo tipo acerca de este pais.
Pagina web en español donde encontrar todo tipo de información acerca de Rusia. Desde tiendas rusas en España hasta trámites necesarios para viajar pasando por practicar el idioma con algun ruso nativo.
You can find there stories about the high life of St. Petersburg.
Fotos de esta ciudad.
mucho "contenido". De todo tipo, pero en ruso.
miércoles, 21 de marzo de 2007
El zoo de Berlín 'indulta' a un oso que iba a ser sacrificado a petición de los ecologistas
'Knut' compartió portadas con las estrellas del cine en la recientre edición de la Berlinale.
Distintas asociaciones protectoras habían pedido que fuera 'ejecutado' con una inyección.
Tendrá que ser trasladado con otros oseznos para que los mayores no acaben con él.
La noticia está aqui: http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2007/03/21/ciencia/1174438813.html
Me parece muy curioso, que asociaciones en defensa de los animales pidan la muerte de un oso, solo por el hecho de haber estado entre humanos.
¿Porqué se quejan entonces cuando los cazadores canadienses se lian a palos con las focas?. A fin de cuentas, la excesiva población "hace que resulte necesario" un control demográfico.
¿Porqué ponen el grito en el cielo cuando los japoneses pescan ballenas?. A fin de cuentas es para alimentar a otra especie. SU especie.
Además, teniendo en cuenta que el oso polar es un animal en extinción, todo lo que se haga por salvarle será bueno para su especie.¿No?
Los bebés humanos, al igual que ese oso, son dependientes de los cuidados de los seres humanos adultos. ¿Los matamos también por ello?.
Yo de verdad que este mundo no lo entiendo...
jueves, 22 de febrero de 2007
Rusia, ese gran pais
Bendito internet!. A pesar de ser un invento americano, ha cambiado el mundo, respecto a tecnologia, para mejor. Gracias a internet y el correo estoy escribiendo aqui y tengo contactos con gente de todos los lados. Desde Japón a Jordania, Desde Inglaterra a Rusia...
Ahora estoy aprendiendo ruso. Poco a poco y con la ayuda de dos amigas de Moscú.
Es increíble su nivel cultura, su educación y lo divertida que puede ser la gente de un pais que se considera frio en los sentimientos.
martes, 6 de febrero de 2007
Parece que los gobiernos se han dado cuenta de un dia para otro que es cierto que el planeta se calienta. Pero Estados Unidos continúa su politica geoestratégica de absorción de paises productores de petróleo. Además se da la circunstancia de que el contingente de transporte que mueve la armada norteamericana tiene un gasto de combustible extraordinario, que si se quedaran en casa no gastarían.
Esta claro que estan decididos a agotar el petróleo, cueste lo que cueste.
¡Que gente tan obtusa!, ¡Que cortos de miras!. Si se pudieran abstraer un poco de la dinámica en la que se encuentran envueltos se darían cuenta que lo unico que van a conseguir es llevarse todo su mierda de dinero a la tumba. Pero un dia se acabará el petroleo, si antes no se acaba la humanidad y pasará como aquella película apocaliptica.
"Para comprender como era, hay que retroceder en el tiempo, cuando el mundo se movia a base del combustible negro y en los desiertos surgian grandes ciudades de tuberías y acero.
Ciudades desaparecidas, ¡barridas!. Por razones olvidadas hace largo tiempo, dos poderosas tribus guerreras se declararon la guerra provocando un incendio que devoró a las ciudades. Sin combustible ya no eran nada. Construyeron una casa de paja, las maquinas rugientes jadearon y se detuvieron.
Los líderes hablaron, y hablaron y hablaron. Pero nada pudo detener la avalancha. El mundo se tambaleó. Las ciudades estallaron en un vendaval de pillaje, en una tormenta de miedo. Los hombres se comieron a los hombres. Los caminos eran pesadillas interminables. Solo sobrevivian aquellos que se adaptaban a vivir de los desechos o eran tan brutales como para dedicarse al pillaje.
Bandas de malechores se adueñaron de las carreteras, listas para entablar combate por un tanque de gasolina. Y en medio de este caos de ruina los hombres normales sucumbian aplastados..."
y hasta aqui puedo leer. ¿Adivinais la película? ^_____^
viernes, 2 de febrero de 2007
puta ley
Resulta que a mi padre lo echaron del trabajo por suspension de pagos, pero al resto (todos) de los trabajadores los volvieron a contratar subrepticiamente. El resultado es que solo mi padre se quedó en la calle.
Pidió una indemnización porque llevaba muchos años, pero al ser sociedad anónima han conseguido burlar la ley y no hay ningún responsable para hacer cargo a esa indemnización.
Conclusión: El hombre, harto de la mierda de justicia que hay en este pais, decidió hacer unas pancartas donde expone los datos de las empresas y hace referencia al interfecto y se fué al tanatorio de la M-30 durante unos dias.
Pues el señor Juan Antonio Valdivia (podeis buscar información en la web con las entradas "funespaña" y "Valdivia" para enteraros de los chanchullos) se ha querellado contra mi padre pidiendole pena de carcel y una indemnización de 300.000 euros!!!!!
El martes será el juicio.
Ya os contaré.
jueves, 1 de febrero de 2007
¿Que pasa con el espacio vital?
Y es que después de llegar a las 8:10 a la parada del autobús. He tenido que esperar hasta las 8:40 para que llegara uno. como siempre el grupo de espabilados estaban esperando agazapados para saltarse las normas de educacion y civismo y colarse sin esperar su turno. Un dia voy a explotar y le voy a prender fuego a más de uno.Me he metido el último. No entraba nadie más. O eso creia yo.EStabamos esperando a que cerraran las puertas cuando ha llegado un menda por detrás, y me ha embestido con su cebolleta, que gracias a Dios que tenia los calzoncillos, el pantalón y el abrigo puesto.
Menos mal que he llegado A LAS 9:30!!!
Evidentemente me he girado en cuanto ha cerrado las puertas. Mi cuerpecito no habría podido aguantar 50 minutos a "ese ritmo".
Despues de esta traumática experiencia estoy pensando en comprarme un coche y calentar globalmente, pero con mi integridad varonil intacta.
miércoles, 31 de enero de 2007
Esa cena de modaaaaaa!!!!
(¿Cómo me habré metido yo en esto?)